Religious Conversion

Some communities of faith actively seek the conversion of others while other communities discourage or even refuse the conversion of seekers
The conversion of St. Paul” by Richard Croft is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
On October 15th and November 19th, the Ventura County Interfaith Community will present a two part series which will explore the approaches of several faith communities to the ways in which they either welcome or discourage conversions.

On October 15th at 7:00 PM, Dr. Tim Helton will moderate a panel consisting of Rabbi Michael Lotker representing Reform Judaism; a Unitarian Universalist, Rev. Dr. Betty Stapleford; and Peter Banks of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who will discuss their communities’ practices around making and welcoming converts. The venue for this discussion will be St. Columba’s Episcopal Church (1251 Las Posas Rd., Camarillo).

Similarly, on November 19th, Rabbi Lotker will moderate a panel comprised of speakers still to be confirmed at a venue yet to be determined.

These forums are presented free of charge and open to all, so please spread the word to friends and family who might find them interesting.

We hope to see you at one or both of the forums!