All posts by Tim Helton

Interfaith Labor Day Harvest 2018

Once again, the Ventura County Interfaith Community is proud to partner with several other faith-based sponsors to promote community and generosity and resist fear and suspicion by joining in an Interfaith Labor Day Harvest from 9 AM to 1 PM on Monday September 3rd.

The Venue will again be the Abundant Table Farm (at McGrath Family Farms) located at 1012 W. Ventura Blvd., Camarillo, CA 93010. The event is free, but we’re asking you to register so we have an idea of how many will be joining us. You can do so at

You can get additional details from the attached flyer. Hope to see you there!

Camp Noah

Camp Noah is a FREE day camp (9am-3pm) for elementary-age children whose communities have been impacted by disaster (i.e., Ventura, Ojai, Carpinteria, etc.).  Being offered by the United Methodist Church (UMC), Camp Noah provides a safe, caring and fun environment where children can build resiliency skills, as well as process their disaster and/or trauma experience through creative activities and play. It will be held at Ojai UMC Aug. 6-10 and at College UMC (Ventura) Aug. 13-17. If you know of anyone who might benefit from Camp Noah, please forward this information and attached flier! Only 50 participants per campus! Questions?

Family of Abraham Picnic

The Ventura County Interfaith Community will proudly be participating in the annual Family of Abraham Picnic sponsored by the Islamic Center of Conejo Valley from 12-4 PM on June 30th. We hope you’ll join us at the Conejo Creek North Lakeside Park at 1379 Janss Rd., Thousand Oaks.  Please see the attached flyer for additional details, and please RSVP to For more information, click here.

Interfaith March for Peace, Justice, and Religious Freedom

At  VCIC, we agree with the organizers of the Peace and Justice March when they declare:

1. We believe that all people should be free to practice their faith without fear of  discrimination, intimidation, or reprisal.
2. We believe that multiple religions can coexist peacefully and contribute to the common good.
3. We believe that equal justice and equal protection under the law are rights to which all people are entitled regardless of race.
4. We believe that the government of every state and of our great nation should protect those who are most vulnerable and never fail to seek justice for acts of violence perpetrated against minorities by those who claim superiority or dominance.
If you agree with these propositions and would like to make your voice heard, please consider joining us for a nationwide march on April 29. For details, please click on the attached INTERFAITH MARCH POSTER.

Interfaith March for Peace and Justice

Sunday, April 29th from 1:00-4:00

More information to be forthcoming


  1. We believe that all people should be free to practice their faith without fear of discrimination, intimidation, or reprisal.
  2. We believe that multiple religions can coexist peacefully and contribute to the common good.
  3. We believe that equal justice and equal protection under the law are rights to which all people are entitled regardless of race.
  4. We believe that the government of every state and of our great nation should protect those who are most vulnerable and neverfail to seek justice for acts of violence perpetrated against minorities by those who claim superiority or dominance.

If you agree with these propositions and would like to make your voice heard, please consider joining us for a nationwide march on April 29.

For further information go to:

To join the march in Ventura County or to sign up for updates please e-mail me @

We Are One

Southern California African American Public Affairs Committee Presents


Speakers & Music
Refreshments Will be Served

Saturday January 13
4:00PM – 6:00PM

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

1150 Gary Dr., Oxnard, CA 93033

In the spirit of Martin Luther King’s birthday we are bringing congregations together in song and fellowship to communicate “We Are One” in the Savior’s eyes. Some presenters include: Pastor Oden OF Bethel AME Church and choir, Rev. Nivens of Evangelistic Baptist Church and choir, Justin and Rebecca Holman of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

For more information, contact: Wayne Hotchkiss @ 805-407-7598

We are One flyer

2017 Feast of Faiths

The Ventura County Interfaith Community and Campus Interfaith for CSUCI proudly invite you to join us in our annual Feast of Faiths. The theme for this year’s event is the concept of unity and participants are expected from a variety of traditions including the Baha’i Faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Paganism, and the Quakers.

The event will take place from 5:00 to 7:00PM on November 5th at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 1201 Paseo Camarillo, Camarillo, CA 93010-1717. Halal-style and vegetarian food will be served. Suggested donation before October 25th is $22 for general admission and $12 for students 8 and older. Donations after October 25th are $27 for general admission and $15 for students 8 and older. Send donation for the Feast of Faiths to VCIC, 3482 Barca St., Camarillo, CA 93010 or contact Teri Helton at 805-312-1631 or