This event has already taken place. Not to worry, though. If you missed it you can view a recording of the event on Facebook by clicking on this link: or by clicking on the clip below:
Not a fan of Facebook? View the recording on YouTube by clicking here: or by clicking on the clip below:
People have been tending carefully to the remains of their loved ones for millennia. Tradition has dictated the manner of that care, but often tradition finds its roots in religious beliefs.
On February 28th, the Ventura County Interfaith Community (VCIC) will offer the first of a two part series dealing with funeral and burial practices and the beliefs that underpin them. Leaders from the Bahá’í community, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the Muslim community will present.
This event will also be the first of what we hope will be several “hybrid” presentations. That is, you’ll be able to choose between participating in a live presentation or joining a livestream online. The live presentation will take place at 7:00 PM at the Church of Scientology. The Church of Scientology is located at 2151 Alessandro Drive, Ventura, 93001. As an alternative to the live presentation you may also join on Facebook by pointing your browser at 7:00 PM to